[Read This Fine Material] from Joshua Hoblitt

How to create GPFS 3.5 filesets with independant inode spaces


One of the new features in GPFS 3.5 is that filesets can now have independent an “inode space”, ie it’s own inode table like a stand alone filesystem, and that one fileset can now inherent another fileset’s inode space. This new semantic means that snapshots of the root fileset (and it’s descendants) will not capture any filesets with independent inode spaces. Conversely, a snapshot of an independent fileset will capture only that fileset and any of it’s descendants.

See also:

The per fileset inode space functionality is accessed via the new --inode-space flag to mmcrfileset.

This example is creating a new fileset with an independent inode space. Ie, it’s not sharing or inheriting the root fileset’s inode space.

# mmcrfileset foo1 node --inode-space new
Fileset node created with id 14.
# mmlinkfileset foo1node -J /net/foo/node
Fileset node linked at /net/foo1/node
# mmlsfileset foo1 root,node -L
Filesets in file system 'foo1':
Name                            Id      RootInode  ParentId Created                      InodeSpace      MaxInodes    AllocInodes Comment
root                             0              3        -- Mon Oct 15 19:30:29 2012        0            146800640       88670208 root fileset
node                            14      134217731         0 Tue May 28 13:21:44 2013        1               102400         102400 

This example is demonstrating creating a new fileset that’s inheriting/sharing the inode space instead the node fileset we just created, instead of the [default] root fileset’s space.

# mmcrfileset foo1 bar1 --inode-space node
Fileset bar1 created with id 15. 
# mmlinkfileset foo1 bar1 -J /net/mss1/node/bar1
Fileset bar1 linked at /net/foo1/node/bar1
# mmlsfileset foo1 root,node,bar1 -L
Filesets in file system 'foo1':
Name                            Id      RootInode  ParentId Created                      InodeSpace      MaxInodes    AllocInodes Comment
root                             0              3        -- Mon Oct 15 19:30:29 2012        0            146800640       88670208 root fileset
node                            14      134217731         0 Tue May 28 13:21:44 2013        1               102400         102400
bar1                            15      134288384        14 Tue May 28 13:22:51 2013        1 dpnd               0              0

Note that both the filesets node and bar1 are in InodeSpace 1.

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