[Read This Fine Material] from Joshua Hoblitt

Pacemaker 1.1.8 no longer includes the crm shell


I just had a rather rude surprise upgrading from pacemaker 1.1.7 -> 1.1.8. The crm configuration shell has been removed from the distribution. One does not expect these sorts of changes to happen in a 1.1.z release.


# rpm -qa | grep pacemaker
# ls -la /usr/sbin/crm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1576 Jun 21  2012 /usr/sbin/crm


# rpm -qa | grep pacemaker
# ls -la /usr/sbin/crm
ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/crm: No such file or directory

Google finally turned up this thread on the pacemaker mailing list, stating this was an intentional change. More research found this note in Pacemaker’s README.markdown stating that this change was made at the request of the author and the CRM shell is now maintained else where. Except that it doesn’t work with pacemaker 1.1.8. It also appears that all of the official documentation now refers to pcs. At this point I’m thinking “Fine, I’ll just install pcs”.

# yum info pcs
Loaded plugins: priorities, security, upgrade-helper
82 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Error: No matching Packages to list

Argh. After much beating of head on wall I figured out what was going on. I’m installing corosync/etc. on RHEL by pulling it from the SL repos. Not wanting to completely pollute my package set as would happen if I had used the example in the Pacemaker RHEL quickstart guide, I had setup an includepkgs directive.

name=Scientific Linux $releasever - $basearch
includepkgs=pacemaker cman ccs resource-agents cluster-glue cluster-glue-libs clusterlib corosync corosynclib fence-virt libqb modcluster openais openaislib pacemaker-cli pacemaker-cluster-libs pacemaker-libs ricci

Adding pcs to includepkgs was all that was needed to get the pcs package installed.

# yum info pcs
Loaded plugins: priorities, security, upgrade-helper
82 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Installed Packages
Name        : pcs
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 0.9.26
Release     : 10.el6
Size        : 248 k
Repo        : installed
From repo   : sl
Summary     : Pacemaker Configuration System
URL         : http://github.com/feist/pcs
License     : GPLv2
Description : pcs is a corosync and pacemaker configuration tool.  It permits
            : users to easily view, modify and created pacemaker based clusters.

There is also a cheatsheet on pcs for crm users.

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