[Read This Fine Material] from Joshua Hoblitt

Puppet tw_3dm2 Module version 0.0.1 released to Puppet Forge


A puppet module that installs the 3ware 3dm2/tdm2 & tw_cli RAID controller management software.

Puppet tw_3dm2 Module


This module downloads via wget, unzips, installs, and configures the 3ware
3dm2/tdm2 & tw_cli RAID controller management software


    class{ 'tw_3dm2':
      package_filename  => '3DM2_CLI-Linux_10.2.1_9.5.4.zip',
      package_url       => 'http://example.org/3DM2_CLI-Linux_10.2.1_9.5.4.zip',
      emailserver       => 'mail.example.org',


Copyright (C) 2012 Joshua Hoblitt 

Puppet autofsck Module version 1.0.0 released to Puppet Forge


My second, trivial, module posted to the puppet forge is called autofsck. It effectively passes -y to fsck during the boot up filesystem check on $osfamily = redhat so that manual intervention on filesystem error is never required (that is, unless fsck eats your filesystem ;).

Puppet autofsck Module


A simple puppet module to enable automatic / forced / completely unattended
fsck on boot up.  Typically, this means passing the `-y` flag to fsck


    class { autofsck:
      ensure => present, # default

    or simply

    include autofsck


Copyright (C) 2012 Joshua Hoblitt 

hwloc / lstopo : utility to make pretty diagrams of CPU and memory organization


I just spent 15 minutes trying to remember the name of this handy utility named `lstopo`, part of the `hwloc` package, for making pretty pictures of your systems CPU/cache/memory organization. It’s part of the elx.x core package set but it’s very difficult to find via `yum search` as none of the keys word: memory, numa, or cpu will match this package.

The man page lists extension options but you can generate pretty pictures with simply `lstopo `. Eg.

lstopo `hostname -s`.png
lstopo `hostname -s`.ps

Puppet tzdata Module version 1.0.0 released to Puppet Forge


I’ve decided to finally start cleaning up some of the Puppet modules I’ve written over the last couple of years and start posting them to the Puppet Forge. As a first attempt at getting my feet wet, I’ve posted a fairly trivial module that installs/updates the tzdata package on el[56].x and Gentoo.

The README.md:

Puppet tzdata Module


A simple puppet module to install (likely your core OS package set already) and
keep up to date the tz database / zoneinfo database / Olson database.

Government entities have historically made changes to timezones and daylights
saving time periods with [little or no warning]
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time_in_Chile).  However, it
occasionally takes some time for this information to make it to the tzdata
maintainers.  It is not unheard of for updates to be applied retroactively.
Therefore it is very important that this package be kept completely up to date.

The tzdata package (or what your OS calls it) provides mostly data files and
thus has proven to be hassle free to update.  As far as the authors experience,
updating this package has never caused breakage.  While on the other hand, even
if you have an extremely tightly version controlled production system, you will
virtually always want the latest version of this package.  The Olson database
is very conservatively maintained and typically your OS vendor will evaluate
those changes yet again (certainly true in the case of RedHat) before issuing
an updated package.  For those reasons, default behavior of this package is to
ensure that the latest version is always installed.

The intended usage of this module is to include it in virtually all of your
manifests without having to pass any parameters to it.


    class { tzdata:
      ensure => latest, # default

or simply

    include tzdata


Copyright (C) 2012 Joshua Hoblitt 

first look at the Supermicro SuperChassis 847E26-RJBOD1 45 x 3.5″ disk SAS JBOD shelf


As is per usual for Supermicro, there are multiple model numbers/SKUs that refer to the same chassis. The chassis itself, independant of the installed SAS expanders, seems to be called the sc847j. The product name / model number SC847E16-RJBOD1 seems to refer to the 45 disk bay version of the sc847 (sc847j) with the dual link SAS expanders installed (E26 vs E16 in the model number). To complicate things further, even though the model number specifies an exact combination of parts, it’s not an orderable SKU. The orderable part number is CSE-847E26-RJBOD1.