Puppet policykit Module ========================= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jhoblitt/puppet-policykit.png)](https://travis-ci.org/jhoblitt/puppet-policykit) #### Table of Contents 1. [Overview](#overview) 2. [Description](#description) 3. [Usage](#usage) 4. [Limitations](#limitations) * [Tested Platforms](#tested-platforms) 5. [Support](#support) Overview -------- Manages the policykit package Description ----------- Ensures that the PolicyKit or [`polkit`](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/polkit/) package is installed and provides a mechanism for managing localauthority configuration files. ### Forked This module was forked from [git://git.sans.ethz.ch/puppet-modules/policykit] in order to update it's functionality and add basic tests. Usage ----- To only ensure that the policykit software package is installed. Note that this isn't nessicary when using the `policykit::localauthority` defined type as including the `policykit` class is implied. include policykit Create a new authority file. policykit::localauthority { 'Disable suspend': identity => 'unix-user:*', action => 'org.freedesktop.upower.suspend', result_active => 'no', result_any => 'no', result_inactive => 'no', } To remove an existing authority configuration. Note that all of the params are still required. This is arguably a bug. policykit::localauthority { 'Disable suspend': ensure => absent, identity => 'unix-user:*', action => 'org.freedesktop.upower.suspend', result_active => 'no', result_any => 'no', result_inactive => 'no', } Limitations ----------- At present, only support for `$::osfamily == 'RedHat'` has been implimented. Adding other Linux distrubtions should be trivial. Policykit is not present in releases prior to el6.x. ### Tested on * el6.x Support ------- Please log tickets and issues at [github](https://github.com/jhoblitt/puppet-module_skel/issues)