[Read This Fine Material] from Joshua Hoblitt

How to create a GPFS fileset and set a quota on it


First, make sure that you have quotas enabled for your filesystem.

Create a new fileset with the mmcrfileset command.

[root@foo01 ~]# mmcrfileset foodata1 podi
Fileset 'podi' created.
[root@foo01 ~]# mmlsfileset foodata1
Filesets in file system 'foodata1':
Name                     Status    Path                                
root                     Linked    /net/foodata1                       
podi                     Unlinked  --                                  

Every GPFS filesystem has at least a “root” fileset at the bottom of the tree. It’s listed “path” is the mountpoint of the filesystem. Link the newly created fileset to the root fileset at some reasonable path. Note that you do not need to pre-create this directory path with mkdir.

[root@foo01 ~]# mmlinkfileset foodata1 podi -J /net/foodata1/podi
Fileset 'podi' linked at '/net/foodata1/podi'.
[root@foo01 ~]# mmlsfileset foodata1
Filesets in file system 'foodata1':
Name                     Status    Path                                
root                     Linked    /net/foodata1                       
podi                     Linked    /net/foodata1/podi             

The mmunlinkfileset command is the inverse of mmlinkfileset, should you need it.

[root@foo01 ~]# mmunlinkfileset foodata1 podi
Fileset 'podi' unlinked.

mmedquota creates quotas on users, groups, or filesets. It’s behavior is similar to crontab -e in that by default it drops you into a $EDITOR to create/change a quota.

[root@foo01 ~]# mmedquota -j foodata1:podi 
[root@foo01 ~]# mmlsquota
                         Block Limits                                    |     File Limits
Filesystem type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace  Remarks
foodata1   USR         no limits                                    
[root@foo01 ~]# mmlsquota -j podi
                         Block Limits                                    |     File Limits
Filesystem type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace  Remarks
foodata1   FILESET         128 9663676416 10737418240          0     none |        1       0        0        0     none 

Now you have to make a decision as to how you want df to behave. By default, GPFS has df show the size/usage of the complete name space but there are good reason to want it show the size of the containing fileset instead. Eg., for NFS exports.

The default behavior:

[root@foo01 ~]# df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/foodata1        18737004544 1665675264 17071329280   9% /net/foodata1

Enabling per fileset df reporting. XXX I’m not clear if this takes affect on a mounted filessytem or if it needs to be remounted to take affect.

[root@foo01 podi]# mmchfs /dev/foodata1 --filesetdf 

Demonstration of per fileset df reporting:

[root@foonsd1 ~]# df -h /net/foodata1/
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/foodata1          18T  1.6T   16T   9% /net/foodata1
[root@foonsd1 ~]# df -h /net/foodata1/podi/
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/foodata1          10T  4.0M   10T   1% /net/foodata1

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