[Read This Fine Material] from Joshua Hoblitt

How to export/import a GPFS 3.5 filesystem


It is possible to move a complete GPFS filesystem between clusters with the mmexportfs and mmimportfs commands. I’ve found this useful for preparing a complete filesystem and populating it with data before shipping it to a remote site.

Preparing the mss3 filesystem to be exported/relocated to the another GPFS cluster attaching to the GPFS NSD server named bar1.example.com:

# mmlsdisk mss3
disk         driver   sector failure holds    holds                            storage
name         type       size   group metadata data  status        availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
bar1_nsd1   nsd         512       1 Yes      Yes   ready         up           system       
bar1_nsd2   nsd         512       1 Yes      Yes   ready         up           system       
bar1_nsd3   nsd         512       1 Yes      Yes   ready         up           system       
bar1_nsd4   nsd         512       1 Yes      Yes   ready         up           system       
# mmumount mss3 -a
Wed May 29 12:49:56 MST 2013: mmumount: Unmounting file systems ...
# mmexportfs mss3 -o mss3.gpfs

mmexportfs: Processing file system mss3 ...
mmexportfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
  affected nodes.  This is an asynchronous process.
# scp mss3.gpfs bar1.example.com:.
mss3.gpfs                                     100% 3379     3.3KB/s   00:00  

Importing the mss3 filesystem on the bar1 host:

# mmimportfs mss3 -i mss3.gpfs 

mmimportfs: Processing file system mss3 ...
mmimportfs: Processing disk bar1_nsd1
mmimportfs: Incorrect node foo3.example.com specified for command.
mmimportfs: Processing disk bar1_nsd2
mmimportfs: Incorrect node foo3.example.com specified for command.
mmimportfs: Processing disk bar1_nsd3
mmimportfs: Incorrect node foo3.example.com specified for command.
mmimportfs: Processing disk bar1_nsd4
mmimportfs: Incorrect node foo3.example.com specified for command.

mmimportfs: Committing the changes ...

mmimportfs: The following file systems were successfully imported:
mmimportfs: The NSD servers for the following disks from file system mss3 were reset or not defined:
mmimportfs: Use the mmchnsd command to assign NSD servers as needed.
# mmlsnsd -X

 Disk name    NSD volume ID      Device         Devtype  Node name                Remarks          
 bar1_nsd1   8CFC1C0B519A7DF7   /dev/sdc       generic  leda1.example.com       
 bar1_nsd2   8CFC1C0B519A7DF8   /dev/sdd       generic  leda1.example.com       
 bar1_nsd3   8CFC1C0B519A7DF9   /dev/sde       generic  leda1.example.com       
 bar1_nsd4   8CFC1C0B519A7DFA   /dev/sdf       generic  leda1.example.com       

# mmlsfs mss3
flag                value                    description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
 -f                 65536                    Minimum fragment size in bytes
 -i                 512                      Inode size in bytes
 -I                 32768                    Indirect block size in bytes
 -m                 1                        Default number of metadata replicas
 -M                 2                        Maximum number of metadata replicas
 -r                 1                        Default number of data replicas
 -R                 2                        Maximum number of data replicas
 -j                 cluster                  Block allocation type
 -D                 nfs4                     File locking semantics in effect
 -k                 all                      ACL semantics in effect
 -n                 32                       Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system
 -B                 2097152                  Block size
 -Q                 user;group;fileset       Quotas enforced
                    none                     Default quotas enabled
 --filesetdf        Yes                      Fileset df enabled?
 -V                 13.01 (          File system version
 --create-time      Mon May 20 12:53:43 2013 File system creation time
 -u                 Yes                      Support for large LUNs?
 -z                 No                       Is DMAPI enabled?
 -L                 16777216                 Logfile size
 -E                 No                       Exact mtime mount option
 -S                 Yes                      Suppress atime mount option
 -K                 no                       Strict replica allocation option
 --fastea           Yes                      Fast external attributes enabled?
 --inode-limit      122081280                Maximum number of inodes
 -P                 system                   Disk storage pools in file system
 -d                 bar1_nsd1;leda1_nsd2;leda1_nsd3;leda1_nsd4  Disks in file system
 --perfileset-quota yes                      Per-fileset quota enforcement
 -A                 yes                      Automatic mount option
 -o                 none                     Additional mount options
 -T                 /net/mss3                Default mount point
 --mount-priority   0                        Mount priority
# mmfsck mss3 -y -v
Checking "mss3"
  fsckFlags                     0xA
  Stripe group manager          
  needNewLogs                   0
  nThreads                      16
  commited nodes                1
  clientTerm                    0
  fsckReady                     1
  fsckCreated                   0
  % pool allowed               50
  tuner                         off    
  threshold                       0.20
  Disks                         4
  Bytes per metadata subblock   65536
  Sectors per metadata subblock 128
  Bytes per data subblock       65536
  Sectors per data subblock     128
  Sectors per indirect block    64
  Subblocks per block           32
  Subblocks per indirect block  1
  Inodes                        9715712
  Inode size                    512
  singleINum                    -1
  Fsck manager nodes            1
  Inodes per fsck manager       9715712
  Inode regions                 257
  maxInodesPerSegment           261120
  Segments per inode region     1
  Bytes per inode segment       2097152
  nInode0Files                  1
  Regions per pass of pool system 1863
  fsckStatus                    2
  PA size                       155451392
  PA map size                   155451392
  Inodes per inode block        4096
  Data ptrs per inode           16
  Indirect ptrs per inode       16
  Data ptrs per indirect        1363
  User files exposed            some
  Meta files exposed            some
  User files ill replicated     some
  Meta files ill replicated     some
  User files unbalanced         some
  Meta files unbalanced         some
  Current Global snapshots      0
  Max Global snapshots          256
  checkFilesets                 1
  checkFilesetsV2               1
   5 % complete on Wed May 29 17:21:48 2013
Checking inodes
Regions 0 to 1862 of total 1863 in storage pool "system".
  10 % complete on Wed May 29 17:22:48 2013
  16 % complete on Wed May 29 17:23:48 2013
  22 % complete on Wed May 29 17:24:48 2013
  45 % complete on Wed May 29 17:25:32 2013
Checking inode map file
  50 % complete on Wed May 29 17:25:34 2013
  52 % complete on Wed May 29 17:25:34 2013
  55 % complete on Wed May 29 17:25:34 2013
Checking directories and files
Scanning directory inodes : Pass 1 of 1
Node (bar1) starting inode scan 0 to 9715711
Scanning directory entries : Pass 1 of 1
Node (bar1) starting inode scan 0 to 9715711
  62 % complete on Wed May 29 17:26:34 2013
Verifying file link counts : Pass 1 of 1
Node (bar1) starting inode scan 0 to 9715711
    Scanning directories for cycle
  83 % complete on Wed May 29 17:29:42 2013
Checking log files
Checking extended attributes file
Checking allocation summary file
Checking policy file
Checking filesets metadata
Checking file reference counts
  97 % complete on Wed May 29 17:29:42 2013
Checking file system replication status
 100 % complete on Wed May 29 17:29:42 2013

              9715712   inodes
              7036803   allocated
                    0   repairable
                    0   repaired
                    0   damaged
                    0   deallocated
                    0   orphaned
                    0   attached

  1953234944 subblocks
  1346682767   allocated
           0   unreferenced
           0   deletable
           0   deallocated

    45679055 addresses
           0   suspended

File system is clean.
# mmmount mss3
Thu May 30 10:09:34 MST 2013: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
# df -h /net/mss3/
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mss3             117T   81T   36T  70% /net/mss3


  1. hi I am new to storage kind of job. I am trying to migrate datas from FC to SATA in a GPFS 3.1 IBM storage system. When i did a trial of copying 8GB block iso image using rsync from FC to SATA its just copying in 32 MB/s. But the actual speed should be some what around 2GB/s. Please help me with it and is it possible to automate by writing a script for all the users to set and modify quota using the storage? Thanrks in advance for your reply?

  2. i forgot to say i m using RAID 5 systems

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